Morgan Advanced Materials plc has confirmed the successful passing of all resolutions at its 2024 Annual General Meeting. The meeting, held on May 9, 2024, saw the approval of various key agenda items, including the receipt of the audited accounts and the Auditor's and Directors' Reports for the year ended December 31, 2023, the approval of the final dividend, and the re-election of directors.

The poll results for each resolution were detailed, with the majority of votes being in favor of the proposed resolutions. Notably, the Directors' Remuneration Report, the re-election of directors, the appointment of the Auditor, and various authorizations and empowerments were all approved by a significant majority of shareholders.

The Company Secretary, Win Chime, provided contact information for further enquiries regarding the AGM results. Additionally, in accordance with Listing Rule 9.6.2, copies of the resolutions passed by Morgan Advanced Materials plc shareholders have been submitted to the National Storage Mechanism for inspection.

Overall, the results of the 2024 Annual General Meeting indicate strong shareholder support for the proposed resolutions, reflecting a positive outlook for Morgan Advanced Materials plc's future endeavors.