Norges Bank has submitted an amended Form 8.3, a public opening position disclosure/dealing disclosure, regarding its interests in Mondi plc. The disclosure includes key information such as the full name of the discloser, the relevant securities owned and/or controlled, and details of any dealings. Norges Bank holds 2.32% of the EUR 0.22 ordinary shares of Mondi plc, representing 10,245,428 shares. The disclosure also mentions that Norges Bank does not have discretion regarding dealing and offer acceptance decisions in respect to 5,596,173 shares that are included in the total above.

The form also includes details of a sale of 42,532 securities at a price of ZAR 333.9361 per unit. It further outlines the nature of dealing, including purchases and sales, cash-settled derivative transactions, stock-settled derivative transactions, and other dealings. The disclosure concludes with information about indemnity and other dealing arrangements, agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives, and the absence of a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions) attachment.

The disclosure was made on 05/03/2024 and includes contact information for Philippe Chiaroni. It also provides details about the regulatory requirements for public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code, including the need to be made to a Regulatory Information Service and emailed to the Takeover Panel.