Norges Bank has disclosed a 2.03% interest in Mondi plc, representing 8,975,192 ordinary shares. The disclosure, made under Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code, includes details of the relevant securities owned and controlled by Norges Bank. The disclosure also mentions that Norges Bank does not have discretion regarding dealing and offer acceptance decisions in respect to 4,710,641 shares that are included in the total above.

The form also includes information about dealings, such as the purchase of 5,893 securities at a price of GBP 13.2486 per unit. It further outlines the absence of indemnity and other dealing arrangements, as well as agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives.

The disclosure is in compliance with the Code and has been made to a Regulatory Information Service, as well as emailed to the Takeover Panel. The Market Surveillance Unit of the Panel is available for consultation in relation to the Code's disclosure requirements.