M&G PLC held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on May 22, 2024, where several resolutions were put to vote. All resolutions, including ordinary and special ones, were duly passed. The results of the poll showed overwhelming support for the resolutions, with the majority of votes in favor of each proposal. The AGM saw the approval of various key matters, such as the Annual Report and Accounts, the Directors' Remuneration Report, and the election and re-election of directors.

The voting results indicated strong shareholder support for the company's governance and leadership. Elisabeth Stheeman was elected as a director with a significant majority of votes in favor. Additionally, the re-election of existing directors, including Clive Adamson, Edward Braham, Clare Chapman, Kathryn McLeland, (Paolo) Andrea Rossi, Debasish (Dev) Sanyal, Clare Thompson, and Massimo Tosato, received substantial backing from shareholders.

Furthermore, the appointment of PwC LLP as the auditor and the authorization of various actions, such as political donations, allotment of shares, disapplication of pre-emption rights, and the purchase of the company's own shares, were approved by the shareholders. Notably, the authorization of political donations and the allotment of ordinary shares received significant support, while the disapplication of pre-emption rights in connection with the issuance of Mandatory Convertible Securities (MCS) garnered notable backing.

It is important to note that there were no restrictions on shareholders to cast votes on any of the resolutions proposed at the AGM. The total number of voting shares of the Company was 2,380,253,857 ordinary shares, and on a poll, every member present in person or by proxy had one vote for every share held.

Overall, the AGM demonstrated strong shareholder participation and overwhelming support for the proposed resolutions, reflecting confidence in the company's direction and leadership. For further information, the company has provided contact details for inquiries related to the AGM results.