M&G PLC has released an amendment to its Form 8.3 disclosure, replacing RNS number 7730O. The disclosure pertains to public opening position and dealing disclosure by a person with interests in relevant securities representing 1% or more, in accordance with Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code. The disclosure relates to BHP Group Ltd and includes information about the interests and short positions in the relevant securities, as well as dealings by the person making the disclosure.

M&G PLC, M&G Investment Management Limited, and M&G Investments Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd are the full names of the discloser. The disclosure indicates that M&G owns and/or controls 18,077,723 ordinary NPV shares of BHP Group Ltd, representing 0.35% of the total. Additionally, M&G has disclosed dealings involving purchases and sales of BHP Group Ltd securities, with details of the number of securities and price per unit for each transaction.

The disclosure also mentions that M&G does not have discretion regarding voting rights in respect of 526,616 shares that are included in the total above. Furthermore, it states that all interests and short positions should be disclosed, and details of any open stock-settled derivative positions or agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities should be given on a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions).

The disclosure concludes with information about indemnity and other dealing arrangements, agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives, and the absence of any supplemental form 8 (open positions) attached. The date of disclosure is 17 May 2024, and the contact name provided is Hannah Azlin with a telephone number of 020 8162 0906.