IG Group Holdings plc has announced the notification of transactions of a Director/Person Discharging Managerial Responsibility (PDMR), Breon Corcoran, under the IG Group 2023 Sustained Performance Plan (SPP). The notification details the awards granted to Corcoran, including 45,811 options for the FY24 SPP Annual Award and 130,712 options for the FY25 SPP Long-Term Award. The latter award is subject to a total shareholder return performance condition over a three-year period, with a subsequent two-year holding period after vesting.

Breon Corcoran, the Chief Executive Officer, received these awards, and the share price used to determine the number of options over IG shares awarded was £9.1805, based on the average of the closing prices of ten business days from 25 July 2024. The transaction took place on 8 August 2024 outside a trading venue, with the price for both types of options being £0.00.

This notification is in accordance with the UK Market Abuse Regulation and provides specific details of the financial instruments, nature of the transactions, and the date of the transaction. The company has also provided contact information for the Company Secretariat, Investor Relations, and IG Group Press for further inquiries.

This announcement provides transparency regarding the awards granted to a key figure within IG Group Holdings plc, aligning with regulatory requirements and ensuring stakeholders are informed about significant transactions within the company.