Gresham House Asset Management Ltd has notified Hostelworld Group PLC of a change in its holdings, crossing a threshold on 1st February 2024. The total positions of the notifying party show a 9.36% voting rights attached to shares, representing 11,575,112 voting rights held in the issuer. This is a decrease from the previous notification of 10.11%. The notification also includes details of other shareholders and their respective holdings.

The notification indicates that Gresham House Asset Management Ltd holds the voting rights directly and indirectly through various funds, including WS Gresham House UK Micro Cap Fund, IFSL Avellemy UK European Equity Fund, Strategic Equity Capital plc, and Gresham House Global Small Company Fund. The percentages of voting rights held by these entities are also provided in the notification.

The completion of the notification was done by Gresham House Asset Management Ltd on 2nd February 2024. The notification includes standard forms for the disclosure of major holdings, as required by the applicable Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules Chapter 5 (DTR5).

This notification provides an insight into the changes in major holdings of Hostelworld Group PLC and the details of the entities holding the voting rights, offering transparency and compliance with regulatory requirements.