Hiscox Ltd has successfully completed its share repurchase programme, as announced on 5 March 2024, to buy back its ordinary shares for a maximum aggregate consideration of $150 million. The company purchased a total of 9,948,884 Ordinary Shares through two tranches of the Programme, with the second tranche being completed on 14 August 2024. Hiscox confirms the successful completion of the $150 million Programme. For further information, investors and analysts can contact Yana O'Sullivan, Director of Investor Relations, and Marc Wetherhill, Group Company Secretary. Media inquiries can be directed to Eleanor Orebi Gann, Group Director of Communications, Simone Selzer, and Tom Burns at Brunswick. Hiscox Ltd is a global specialist insurer headquartered in Bermuda and listed on the London Stock Exchange. The company employs over 3,000 people in 14 countries and offers a range of specialist insurance products in commercial and personal lines.