BNP Paribas SA has disclosed its position in Hipgnosis Songs Fund Limited, revealing ownership and control of 2.59% of the ordinary shares, totaling 31,261,489 shares. Additionally, the disclosure includes cash-settled derivatives and stock-settled derivatives, with the former showing 32,300 interests and the latter showing no interests. The disclosure also details recent dealings, including purchases and sales of the relevant securities. BNP Paribas SA purchased 1,302 securities at 1.0460 GBP per unit and 447 securities at 1.0480 GBP per unit, while selling 29,268 securities at 1.0460 GBP per unit. Furthermore, the disclosure includes cash-settled derivative transactions, with an increase in the long position of 29,268 securities at 1.0460 GBP per unit. The disclosure does not include any indemnity or other dealing arrangements. Additionally, no supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions) is attached to the disclosure. The disclosure was made on 09/05/2024, and any public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information Service.