Perpetual Limited and its related bodies corporate have disclosed a 1.31% stake in Hipgnosis Songs Fund Limited. The disclosure, made under Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code, includes the ownership of 15,916,751 ordinary shares. The disclosure also details recent dealings, including the sale of 778,083 and 779,930 ordinary shares at prices of 1.0135 and 1.012 per unit, respectively. Additionally, the disclosure states that there are no indemnity or other dealing arrangements, agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives. No supplemental form is attached to the disclosure, and it was made on 25th April 2024.

This disclosure provides insight into Perpetual Limited's significant stake in Hipgnosis Songs Fund Limited and its recent dealings with the company's ordinary shares. It offers transparency regarding the ownership and recent transactions involving the shares, in compliance with the regulatory requirements of the Takeover Code. The information presented in the disclosure contributes to a better understanding of the ownership and trading activities related to Hipgnosis Songs Fund Limited's securities.