Morgan Stanley has notified Hipgnosis Songs Fund Limited of a change in their voting rights. As of June 18, 2024, Morgan Stanley's total voting rights attached to shares in Hipgnosis Songs Fund Limited decreased to 5.971041% from 6.941970% in the previous notification. This change represents 72,202,682 voting rights held in the issuer. The notification was submitted in accordance with the disclosure obligations stipulated in the articles of association of the company on June 20, 2024.

The notification indicates that Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc, based in the United Kingdom, holds the voting rights. The details of the shareholder, Morgan Stanley, are listed with its city of registered office in Wilmington, Delaware, USA. The notification also includes the full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the financial instruments are effectively held, starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or legal entities.

This TR-1 notification provides transparency about the changes in major shareholding within Hipgnosis Songs Fund Limited and ensures compliance with the disclosure obligations. It offers insights into the distribution of voting rights and the entities holding them, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the company's ownership structure and major shareholders.