Frontier IP Group has released its final results for the year ended 30 June 2023. The company reported a decrease in net assets per share to 81.8p, a basic loss per share of 5.85p, and a loss before tax of £4.37 million. The fair value of the equity portfolio decreased by 17% to £32.96 million. Frontier IP generated cash proceeds of £4.93 million from selling shares in portfolio company Exscientia during the year. The company also appointed Nigel Grierson and Dr David Holbrook as independent Non-Executive Directors and Professor Dame Julia King as a Senior Independent Director. Frontier IP expanded its portfolio with the incorporation of two new companies, Enfold Health and GraphEnergyTech, and took an equity stake in Deakin Bio-Hybrid Materials after the year end. Chairman Andrew Richmond will not be offering himself for re-election at the coming Annual General Meeting, and Baroness Brown will become Group Chair following the AGM in December. Several portfolio companies achieved significant milestones, including Alusid launching its first range of mass-produced wall tiles, CamGraPhIC raising £1.26 million, Pulsiv launching Pulsiv Osmium, Celerum renewing its contract with Colin Lawson Transport, and Cambridge Raman Imaging making first sales of its graphene-based ultra-fast lasers.