Foresight Technology VCT plc has announced a temporary variation to its buyback policy for former Ordinary Shareholders. This comes after the redesignation of the entire Ordinary Share Class to FWT Shares and Deferred Convertible Preference Shares. The Board of the Company is now offering former Ordinary Shareholders the opportunity to have their FWT Shares repurchased by the Company. The buyback policy for the former Ordinary Shares class stated that shares would be repurchased at a nil discount to NAV, subject to transaction costs. The same terms will be applied to any applications received from former Ordinary Shareholders in respect of FWT Shares held pursuant to the Redesignation. These applications must be received by the Company before 20 September 2024. After this date, the Company's usual buyback policy and discount to NAV will apply. Shareholders who subscribed to an offer directly into FWT shares should not participate in the buyback, as these shares have not been held for the requisite five-year holding period to crystallize upfront income tax relief. For further information, shareholders can contact Gary Fraser at Foresight Group.