FirstGroup Plc held its 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) on July 26th, 2024, where all resolutions were passed by the shareholders on a poll. The results of the poll, including the number of votes for and against each resolution, have been made available on the company's website. The AGM saw a high level of shareholder participation, with 73.94% of the total number of votes capable of being cast being represented.

The resolutions covered a range of important matters, including the approval of the Directors' Remuneration Policy and Annual Report on Remuneration, the declaration of a final dividend, and the re-election of directors. All resolutions were proposed as either Ordinary or Special Resolutions, and each received significant support from the shareholders.

The Company's issued share capital as of the voting record date for the meeting was 750,695,015 ordinary shares, with each share carrying one vote. Additionally, the Company held 133,399,635 shares in Treasury as of the same date, which do not carry any voting rights.

The AGM also authorized the Directors to allot shares, disapply pre-emption rights, make market purchases of the Company's shares, and make political donations and incur political expenditure. Furthermore, the shareholders authorized the calling of general meetings on 14 clear days' notice.

The Company's contacts for investor relations, communications, and company secretary, as well as external PR contacts, were provided for further inquiries. The news release also included the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) and its classification as per DTR 6 Annex 1R: 3.1.

The comprehensive and transparent reporting of the AGM results demonstrates FirstGroup Plc's commitment to engaging with its shareholders and ensuring their active participation in the company's decision-making processes.