First Class Metals PLC has been granted exploration permits for its North Hemlo and Esa properties, which the company considers to be among the most important developments to date. The permits confirm the support of all stakeholders involved in and exposed to the projects, including the First Nations communities. The company is committed to building and maintaining strong, consultative, and respectful relations with these communities. The permits also allow for drilling and stripping at the projects for three years, which will provide valuable information about the areas. Stripping involves removing non-valuable material to expose the most prospective areas for drilling. At North Hemlo, the company will focus on stripping the overburden covering the Dead Otter trend and an area 3km to the southeast. At Esa, stripping will focus on selective parts of the shear where soil samples have indicated strong gold and pathfinder elements anomalism. The exploration permits put the company on target to achieve its objective of bringing all four flagship properties to drill-ready status by 2023. The company already had exploration permits for Sunbeam and Zigzag.