Empire Metals Limited has announced the commencement of a significant exploration campaign at the Pitfield Project in Western Australia. The company plans to complete 800 meters of Diamond Core drilling in March, followed by a 40-hole Reverse Circulation drilling campaign covering 6,000 meters. These drill programs aim to quantify high-grade titanium-mineralized zones for resource evaluation work, with a focus on areas that show potential for shallow open pit mining.

The diamond drilling will also provide core samples for mineralogical analysis and metallurgical test work, accelerating the economic assessment and development of the Project. Shaun Bunn, Managing Director, expressed his enthusiasm, stating, "The information we will gain from these four, 200m deep, drill cores will be invaluable in terms of increasing our understanding of the nature of the titanium minerals and their metallurgical characteristics."

The Pitfield Project, located in Western Australia, is strategically positioned with existing connections to port, HV power substations, and natural gas pipelines. The region is known for its mining-friendly policies, stable government, transparency, and advanced technology expertise. The drilling focus has shifted to two large, shallow, high-grade zones, identified by surface sampling and confirmed by recent drilling programs. The upcoming drilling aims to accelerate the economic development of Pitfield, supporting further delineation, sampling, mineralogical studies, and metallurgical testing of these high-grade mineralized bedded zones.

In addition to the drilling announcement, Empire Metals has granted options to employees at a 14p and 18p strike price as part of the company's policy to attract and retain high-caliber personnel. This move reflects the company's commitment to its workforce and its confidence in the future of the Pitfield Project.

The company's proactive approach to advancing the Pitfield Project underscores its commitment to leveraging the region's mining-friendly environment and infrastructure to drive the economic development of the project. With the commencement of the drilling campaign and the grant of options to employees, Empire Metals is positioning itself for further progress and success in its exploration and development endeavors.