ECR Minerals plc has reported promising gold results from photon analysis of rock chips at the Duke of Cornwall Mine in Swifts Creek, Eastern Victoria, Australia. The analysis of 37 rock chips revealed grades of up to 51.5 g/t Au, with several samples containing gold grades greater than 5 g/t Au. The company also collected 84 soil samples and 56 rock chips across the broader strike of mineralization, with results from these samples expected shortly.

The exploration tenements in eastern Victoria offer new opportunities for gold and base metal exploration, with the project area showing distinct geology. ECR Minerals has conducted detailed mapping of historical gold workings and collected rock chips and soil samples to gain a better understanding of the spread of pathfinder elements. Notably, historical mine development below 20m from the surface remains unexplored.

In response to challenges in obtaining laboratory results for gold through conventional fire assay methods, ECR Minerals has been trialling alternative approaches, including the use of photon analysis. Out of the 56 rock chips, 37 have been analyzed for their gold content using Photon analysis, with initial findings suggesting encouraging indications of high-grade gold. The company is also conducting duplicate analysis for gold by way of fire assay to validate the photon analysis results.

Mike Whitlow, Chief Operating Officer at ECR Minerals, expressed optimism about the results, stating, "Our technical strategy in Victoria continues to deliver promising results." Adam Jones, Chief Geologist, added that the Eastern Adit has shown very encouraging high-grade results, which merit further exploration. The company is considering drilling this asset in the second half of the year based on the new scientific data analysis.