Drax Group PLC is focusing on three key areas: Energy Security, Jobs and Skills, and Decarbonisation. The company is emphasizing its role in generating renewable, flexible, and dispatchable power to support the UK's energy security, even during periods when wind and solar energy are not available. Drax's dispatchable, flexible, and renewable assets can react quickly to help balance the energy system and ensure a reliable power supply. The company's CEO, Will Gardiner, highlights Drax's important role in delivering a cleaner, secure energy future in Britain.

Drax is also advocating for the use of carbon removals technology to support energy security while addressing climate change. The company's CEO, Will Gardiner, emphasizes how carbon removals technology, specifically BECCS, can contribute to both energy security and carbon removal. Additionally, Drax has commissioned independent analysis that reveals the UK will face an energy security crunch point in 2028 due to delays in building new power generation infrastructure.

Furthermore, Drax is actively involved in initiatives to support energy security, such as participating in a power demand reduction service to help businesses save money and contribute to keeping the lights on in the UK. The company is also contributing to the UK grid through biomass and other energy sources. Drax's efforts align with its commitment to supporting the UK's energy security and decarbonisation goals.