Diploma PLC has announced the grant of long-term incentive awards to its executive directors under the Diploma PLC 2020 Performance Share Plan (PSP). The awards consist of ordinary shares of 5p each in the company and are subject to the achievement of performance conditions over a three-year period ending on September 30, 2026. The maximum number of shares that may vest in connection with these awards is 73,608 for JD Thomson and 38,150 for C Davies. The share price for the awards is £33.42. The details of the PSP, including the performance conditions, will be included in the Annual Report & Accounts 2023, which will be sent to shareholders and made available on the company's website.

The notification of dealing form provides details of the directors involved in the awards, JD Thomson and C Davies, who hold the positions of Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer, respectively. The transactions involve the grant of PSP shares at a price of £33.42 per share. The aggregated information shows that 73,608 shares were granted to JD Thomson and 38,150 shares were granted to C Davies. The date of the transaction was November 27, 2023, and the place of the transaction was the London Stock Exchange.

For further information, investors can contact J Morrison, Group Company Secretary & General Counsel, at +44 (0)20 7549 5700. More information about Diploma PLC can be found on the company's website at www.diplomaplc.com.