Perpetual Limited and its related bodies corporate have disclosed their interests and short positions in Crest Nicholson Holdings Plc, representing 1.67% of the 12.5p Ordinary shares. The disclosure includes the number of relevant securities owned and/or controlled, which amounts to 4,295,995 shares. Additionally, the disclosure details the purchases made, including the number of securities and price per unit. The purchases were made on 05/07/2024 and include 12.5p Ordinary shares.

The disclosure also mentions that Perpetual Limited is making disclosures in respect of another party to the offer, Bellway Plc. The form provides comprehensive information about the positions of the person making the disclosure, including interests, short positions, and dealings. It also includes details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or understanding, formal or informal, relating to relevant securities.

The form concludes with contact information and regulatory requirements. It emphasizes that public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information Service and provides contact details for the Panel's Market Surveillance Unit for consultation in relation to the Code's disclosure requirements. No supplemental form is attached to the disclosure.

This Form 8.3 disclosure provides a detailed overview of Perpetual Limited's interests, short positions, and dealings in relation to Crest Nicholson Holdings Plc, as well as the regulatory requirements and contact information for further consultation.