BNP Paribas SA has released a public opening position disclosure/dealing disclosure regarding Crest Nicholson Holdings plc. The disclosure, in accordance with Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code, provides key information about the positions of the person making the disclosure, including interests and short positions in the relevant securities of Crest Nicholson Holdings plc. The disclosure includes details of the relevant securities owned and/or controlled, cash-settled derivatives, and stock-settled derivatives.

The disclosure also outlines dealings, if any, by the person making the disclosure, including purchases and sales of the relevant securities, as well as cash-settled derivative transactions and stock-settled derivative transactions. The details of the transactions include the class of relevant security, the nature of dealing, the number of securities, and the price per unit.

Additionally, the disclosure provides information about other arrangements, including indemnity and other dealing arrangements. It specifies details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or understanding, formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which may be an inducement to deal or refrain from dealing entered into by the person making the disclosure and any party to the offer or any person acting in concert with a party to the offer.

The disclosure is comprehensive and provides a detailed overview of BNP Paribas SA's positions, dealings, and other relevant information regarding Crest Nicholson Holdings plc. It adheres to the requirements of Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code and provides transparency about the interests and positions of the disclosing party in relation to Crest Nicholson Holdings plc.