Perpetual Limited and its related bodies corporate have made a public opening position disclosure/dealing disclosure regarding Crest Nicholson Holdings Plc. The disclosure, released on 25th July 2024, is in accordance with Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code. Perpetual Limited and its related bodies corporate have disclosed their interests and short positions in the relevant securities of Crest Nicholson Holdings Plc.

As of the latest practicable date prior to the disclosure, 24th July 2024, Perpetual Limited and its related bodies corporate owned and/or controlled 1.56% of the 12.5p Ordinary shares of Crest Nicholson Holdings Plc, amounting to 4,007,712 relevant securities. Additionally, they have engaged in the sale of 256,367 12.5p Ordinary shares at a price of 2.535432 AUD per unit.

The disclosure also indicates that Perpetual Limited and its related bodies corporate are making disclosures in respect of another party to the offer, Bellway Plc. The disclosure does not include any indemnity or other dealing arrangements, agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives.

The release concludes with the contact information for Aaron Maxwell, including a telephone number for further inquiries. It also provides information on the regulatory requirements for public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code, including the availability of the Panel's Market Surveillance Unit for consultation.

This disclosure provides insight into the positions and dealings of Perpetual Limited and its related bodies corporate in relation to Crest Nicholson Holdings Plc, as well as their engagement with another party to the offer, Bellway Plc. It offers transparency and compliance with the regulatory requirements of the Takeover Code.