Corcel PLC has announced the commencement of the initial exploration program at its Canegrass lithium project in Western Australia. The company has engaged APEX Geoscience to conduct the exploration activities, which will include a ground truthing program to verify the interpreted pegmatite swarms identified through satellite imagery analysis. The goal of the program is to investigate and confirm the lithium and nickel prospectivity of the project. Rock chip samples will be collected from target areas and analyzed in the field using a pXRF for Ni and lithium pathfinder elements. The samples will also be submitted to ALS Global for further analysis. The results of the program will indicate the fractionation of the pegmatites and confirm the presence of Ni prospectivity. The field program is expected to last just under a week, with further announcements on the results to be made in due course.

The Canegrass lithium project covers an area within the Windimurra Igneous Complex in Western Australia. The complex is comprised of basic cumulate rocks and is part of a larger suite of similarly layered ultramafic to mafic bodies emplaced between 2,700-2,800Ma across the Murchison Province. The project is predominantly underlain by the lower zone of the Windimurra Intrusive Complex, which consists of olivine-rich gabbro and gabbronorite. The project has undergone historic exploration, including satellite imagery interpretation, geochemical sampling, rock chip sampling, and drilling. The satellite imagery interpretation revealed extensive swarms of pegmatites, and rock chip sampling confirmed the presence of high-grade rubidium with associated lithium mineralization.

Corcel's Executive Chairman, Antoine Karam, expressed excitement about the initial field team being on site at Canegrass and highlighted the potential for both lithium and nickel at the project. He also emphasized the company's belief in the material shareholder value of its Western Australian assets and its commitment to progressing activities on the ground.