Shore Capital Stockbrokers Ltd, an exempt principal trader, has disclosed dealings in Capital & Regional Plc's relevant securities. The dealings, undertaken on 19 July 2024, involved both purchases and sales of ordinary shares. The highest and lowest price per unit paid/received for the 7,600 securities was 63.2p. The disclosure also includes information on options transactions and other dealings.

The form also includes other information such as indemnity and other dealing arrangements, of which there are none, and agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives, of which there are also none. The disclosure was made on 22 July 2024, and the contact person for the disclosure is Justin Ball, with a telephone number of 0207 647 8130.

Public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information Service and must also be emailed to the Takeover Panel at [email protected]. The Panel’s Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation to the Code’s dealing disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129. The Code can be viewed on the Panel’s website at