Laven Advisors LLP, the owner or controller of interests and short positions disclosed, has revealed its position in NewRiver REIT and Capital & Regional PLC. The disclosure, made under Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code, indicates that Laven Advisors LLP holds 2,355,000 shares in Capital & Regional PLC, representing 0.75% of the total shares. The disclosure also includes information about the Clerkenwell Matterhorn Fund (CMF) and Rovida Clerkenwell Investments Limited (RCI).

The disclosure provides details of the interests and short positions in the relevant securities of the offeror or offeree, including the number and percentage of shares owned and/or controlled. It also mentions the absence of any indemnity or other dealing arrangements and agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives.

The disclosure does not include any supplemental form or attachments. The contact person for the disclosure is Owen Moore, with a provided telephone number for further inquiries. The disclosure was made on 30th May 2024, and it is in compliance with the regulatory requirements of the Code.

This disclosure provides valuable information about the positions and interests of Laven Advisors LLP in NewRiver REIT and Capital & Regional PLC, offering insights into the ownership and control of relevant securities in these companies.