Bank of America Merrill Lynch, an exempt principal trader, disclosed its dealings in Capital & Regional PLC's relevant securities. The transactions included purchases and sales of 10p ordinary shares, as well as cash-settled derivative transactions. The highest price per unit paid for the shares was 0.6 GBP, and the lowest was 0.559 GBP. Additionally, the trader engaged in reducing and increasing short positions through equity swaps. No other dealings, such as subscribing for new securities, were reported.

The disclosure also confirmed that there were no indemnity or other dealing arrangements, agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives. The disclosure was made on 29/05/2024, and the contact person for the disclosure is Frank Lui, with a telephone number of +44207 996 6418.

This public disclosure is in accordance with Rule 8 of the Takeover Code and must be made to a Regulatory Information Service. The Panel's Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation regarding the Code's dealing disclosure requirements.