Shore Capital Stockbrokers Ltd, an exempt principal trader, has disclosed public dealings related to Capital & Regional Plc. The dealings were undertaken on 18 July 2024 and involved both purchases and sales of ordinary shares. The highest and lowest prices per unit paid/received for the purchases and sales were 63.4p and 63.8p, respectively.

The disclosure also includes information about options transactions and other dealings, such as subscribing for new securities. The form provides a comprehensive breakdown of the transactions, including the nature of dealing, number of securities, and price per unit.

The disclosure concludes with additional information, including details of indemnity and other dealing arrangements, as well as agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives. The contact information for further inquiries is also provided.

This public disclosure is in accordance with Rule 8 of the Takeover Code and has been made to a Regulatory Information Service, as well as emailed to the Takeover Panel. The Code and its dealing disclosure requirements are available on the Panel's website.

For further details or consultation regarding the Code's dealing disclosure requirements, the Market Surveillance Unit of the Panel can be contacted.