Brooks Macdonald Group plc has granted nil price options over ordinary shares to two of its executive directors, Andrew Shepherd and Andrea Montague, as part of the 2018 Brooks Macdonald Long Term Incentive Plan. The plan aims to retain and incentivize the executive directors and align their interests with those of shareholders. The options will only vest and become exercisable if challenging targets are achieved over a three-year period, with 90% of the target metrics based on diluted earnings per share and 10% based on environmental, social, and governance metrics. The options are also subject to continued employment and malus and clawback provisions. There is a compulsory holding period of two years from the date of vesting, and if the necessary performance conditions are met, the options will vest on October 23, 2026. As of the date of the announcement, these options represent 0.56% of the total voting rights of the company.