bp Energy Outlook - 2023 edition

Energy Outlook quiz

How much do you know about the energy transition?

Think you know which country is most likely to be the leader in offshore wind by 2050? Or how many electric vehicles could be on the world’s roads by then?

As bp prepares to launch its annual Energy Outlook report exploring the future of global energy markets, why not test your knowledge of the energy transition with our quick and easy quiz?

And, for the bigger picture, sign up to our webcast on 30 January withbp chief economist Spencer Dale, who will discuss the Outlook’s findings and what they could mean for the future of energy.

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What’s new? This year’s Outlook takes account of two major developments over the past year: the Russia-Ukraine war and the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act in the US, and explores what impact they could have on the energy transition out to 2050.

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