Your monthly edition of Trust Matters                                                                                                                                &nbsp ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;                         

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Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

Welcome to your monthly edition of Trust Matters, in this edition we look at structural growth opportunities in Europe, navigating the US stock market amid a recession, a special emerging markets podcast, and the latest Investment Trust factsheets.  


Unlocking Structural Growth Opportunities in Europe

It has been a good period for European equity markets, despite ongoing volatility. Stefan Gries, manager of the BlackRock Greater Europe investment trust, discusses the regions prospects for the rest of the year.

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Navigating the US stock market at a time of recession

In the US signs are pointing to a recession in the second half of 2023, But, says Lisa Yang, manager on the BlackRock Sustainable American Income trust, there are always companies that can thrive.

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Podcast: A Stock Picker's Guide To Emerging Markets

What opportunities and risks could we see from emerging markets as the rest of the year plays out? Emily Fletcher, a fundamental equities portfolio manager at BlackRock, highlights some of the risks and opportunities that Emerging Markets present.

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BlackRock Energy and Resources Income Trust plc

BlackRock Frontiers Investment Trust plc

BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trust plc

BlackRock Income and Growth Investment Trust plc

BlackRock Latin American Investment Trust plc

BlackRock Sustainable American Income Trust plc

BlackRock Smaller Companies Trust plc

BlackRock Throgmorton Trust plc

BlackRock World Mining Trust plc


Charlie Kilner

Investment Trusts

[email protected]

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Risk Warnings

Capital at risk. The value of investments and the income from them can fall as well as rise and are not guaranteed. Investors may not get back the amount originally invested.

Fund-specific risks

BlackRock Energy and Resources Income Trust plc

Counterparty Risk, Currency Risk, Emerging Markets, Gearing Risk, Investments in Mining Securities

BlackRock Frontiers Investment Trust plc

Counterparty Risk, Currency Risk, Emerging Markets, Frontier Markets, Gearing Risk

BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trust plc

Counterparty Risk, Currency Risk, Emerging Markets, Gearing Risk, Liquidity Risk

BlackRock Income and Growth Investment Trust plc

Counterparty Risk, Gearing Risk, Liquidity Risk

BlackRock Latin American Investment Trust plc

Counterparty Risk, Currency Risk, Emerging Markets, Gearing Risk

BlackRock Sustainable American Income Trust Plc

Capital Growth / Income Variation, Counterparty Risk, Currency Risk, Derivatives Risk, Gearing Risk, Risk to Capital Growth Through Derivative Use, Exchange Rate Risk

BlackRock Smaller Companies Trust plc

Counterparty Risk, Gearing Risk, Liquidity Risk, Smaller Company Investments

BlackRock Throgmorton Trust plc

Complex Derivative Strategies, Counterparty Risk, Financial Markets, Counterparties and Service Providers, Gearing Risk, Liquidity Risk

BlackRock World Mining Trust plc

Counterparty Risk, Currency Risk, Emerging Markets, Gearing Risk, Gold / Mining Funds

Description of Fund Risks

Capital Growth / Income Variation

Investors in the Fund should understand that capital growth is not a priority and values may fluctuate and the level of income may vary from time to time and is not guaranteed.

Complex Derivative Strategies

Derivatives may be used substantially for complex investment strategies.  These include the creation of short positions where the Investment Manager artificially sells an investment it does not physically own.

Derivatives can also be used to generate exposure to investments greater than the net asset value of the fund / investment trust.  Investment Managers refer to this practice as obtaining market leverage or gearing.  As a result, a small positive or negative movement in stockmarkets will have a larger impact on the value of these derivatives than owning the physical investments.  The use of derivatives in this manner may have the effect of increasing the overall risk profile of the Funds.

Counterparty Risk

The insolvency of any institutions providing services such as safekeeping of assets or acting as counterparty to derivatives or other instruments, may expose the Fund to financial loss.

Currency Risk

The Fund invests in other currencies. Changes in exchange rates will therefore affect the value of the investment.

Derivatives Risk

Derivatives may be highly sensitive to changes in the value of the asset on which they are based and can increase the size of losses and gains, resulting in greater fluctuations in the value of the Fund. The impact to the Fund can be greater where derivatives are used in an extensive or complex way.

Emerging Markets

Emerging markets are generally more sensitive to economic and political conditions than developed markets. Other factors include greater 'Liquidity Risk', restrictions on investment or transfer of assets and failed/delayed delivery of securities or payments to the Fund.

Exchange rate risk

The return of your investment may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations.

The insolvency of any institutions providing services such as safekeeping of assets or acting as counterparty to derivatives or other instruments, may expose the Fund to financial loss.

Frontier Markets

Frontier markets are generally more sensitive to economic and political conditions than developed and emerging markets. Other factors include greater 'Liquidity Risk', restrictions on investment or transfer of assets and failed/delayed delivery of securities or payments to the Fund. There may be larger fluctuations to the value of your investment and increased risk of losing your capital.

Gearing Risk

Investment strategies, such as borrowing, used by the Trust can result in even larger losses suffered when the value of the underlying investments fall.

Gold / Mining Funds

Mining shares typically experience above average volatility when compared to other investments.  Trends which occur within the general equity market may not be mirrored within mining securities.

Investments in Mining Securities

Investments in mining securities are subject to sector-specific risks which include environmental concerns, government policy, supply concerns and taxation. The variation in returns from mining securities is typically above average compared to other equity securities.

Liquidity Risk

The Fund's investments may have low liquidity which often causes the value of these investments to be less predictable. In extreme cases, the Fund may not be able to realise the investment at the latest market price or at a price considered fair.

Risk to Capital Growth Through Derivative Use

The Fund may pursue investment strategies using derivatives in order to generate income which may have the effect of reducing capital and the potential for long-term capital growth as well as increasing any capital losses.

Smaller Company Investments

Shares in smaller companies typically trade in less volume and experience greater price variations than larger companies.

Important Information

In the UK this is issued by BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered office: 12 Throgmorton Avenue, London, EC2N 2DL. Tel: + 44 (0)20 7743 3000. Registered in England and Wales No. 02020394. For your protection telephone calls are usually recorded. Please refer to the Financial Conduct Authority website for a list of authorised activities conducted by BlackRock.

 This document is marketing material. The Company is managed by BlackRock Fund Managers Limited (BFM) as the AIFM. BFM has delegated certain investment management and other ancillary services to BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited. The Companys shares are traded on the London Stock Exchange and dealing may only be through a member of the Exchange. The Company will not invest more than 15% of its gross assets in other listed investment trusts. SEDOL is a trademark of the London Stock Exchange plc and is used under licence.

Net Asset Value (NAV) performance is not the same as share price performance, and shareholders may realise returns that are lower or higher than NAV performance.

The investment trusts in this document currently conduct their affairs so that their securities can be recommended by IFAs to ordinary retail investors in accordance with the Financial Conduct Authoritys rules in relation to nonmainstream investment products and intend to continue to do so for the foreseeable future. The securities are excluded from the Financial Conduct Authoritys restrictions which apply to non-mainstream investment products because they are securities issued by investment trusts. Investors should understand all characteristics of the funds objective before investing. For information on investor rights and how to raise complaints please go to available in local language in registered jurisdictions.

BlackRock has not considered the suitability of this investment against your individual needs and risk tolerance. To ensure you understand whether our product is suitable, please read the fund specific risks in the Key Investor Document (KID) which gives more information about the risk profile of the investment. The KID and other documentation are available on the relevant product pages at We recommend you seek independent professional advice prior to investing.

BlackRock has not considered the suitability of this investment against your individual needs and risk tolerance. To ensure you understand whether our product is suitable, please read the fund specific risks in the Key Investor Document (KID) which gives more information about the risk profile of the investment. The KID and other documentation are available on the relevant product pages at We recommend you seek independent professional advice prior to investing.

Any research in this document has been procured and may have been acted on by BlackRock for its own purpose. The results of such research are being made available only incidentally. The views expressed do not constitute investment or any other advice and are subject to change. They do not necessarily reflect the views of any company in the BlackRock Group or any part thereof and no assurances are made as to their accuracy.

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