Blackfinch Spring VCT PLC provides a free downloadable guide for advisers, highlighting estate planning strategies for clients with a power of attorney (POA) in place. The company emphasizes that traditional estate planning methods, such as gifting or settling assets into trust, become more challenging when a POA is involved. However, they point out that investments qualifying for Business Relief (BR), like the Blackfinch Adapt IHT Service, offer a solution without the need to seek permission from the Court of Protection.

The guide emphasizes that with the Blackfinch Adapt IHT Service, the investment remains in the client's name and is accessible during their lifetime. Additionally, shares that qualify for BR become exempt from Inheritance Tax (IHT) after two years, making it a valuable estate planning option, especially for clients with a POA. The company also highlights their commitment to providing five-star customer service and a three-hour service level agreement for advisers.

Blackfinch Spring VCT PLC encourages advisers to reach out to their expert team of regional Business Development Managers for any inquiries about the Blackfinch Adapt IHT Service. They also provide a disclaimer that tax reliefs are subject to individual circumstances and change, and caution potential investors about the high-risk nature of the investment.

The company's contact information and regulatory details are also included in the news. They emphasize that the email and its attachments are intended only for the specified recipients and contain legally privileged and/or confidential information. They also provide instructions for handling the email if received in error.

In summary, Blackfinch Spring VCT PLC's news highlights their efforts to provide advisers with a comprehensive guide on estate planning strategies for clients with a POA, emphasizing the benefits of their Blackfinch Adapt IHT Service and their commitment to customer service.