Benchmark Holdings PLC has disclosed its public opening position in relation to an offer. The company is the offeree and has revealed that it holds no interests or short positions in relevant securities. The directors of Benchmark Holdings PLC and their close relatives and related trusts have disclosed their interests in the company. Jonathan Esfandi, a director, holds 169,263,811 shares, representing 22.892% of the issued capital. Other directors and their close relatives also hold varying percentages of the company's shares.

Additionally, the directors and their close relatives have disclosed their interests held as options or awards under the share plans of Benchmark Holdings PLC. For example, Septima Maguire holds various amounts of ordinary shares under different share plans, with exercise prices ranging from 0.1 to 42.50 GBP and exercise periods extending from 2023 to 2031. Trond Williksen, another director, also holds shares under different share plans.

The disclosure also includes information about the interests and short positions held by connected advisors of Benchmark Holdings PLC, as well as other persons acting in concert with the company. However, no details are provided in this regard.

The disclosure provides a comprehensive overview of the positions and interests held by Benchmark Holdings PLC and its directors, shedding light on the ownership and control of relevant securities within the company.