Camelot Capital Partners LLC has made a public opening position disclosure regarding Bellway PLC. The disclosure, made under Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code, provides key information about the interests and short positions held by the discloser. William Barker is identified as the owner or controller of interests and short positions disclosed. The disclosure date is 26/6/2024, and it is specified that no other party to the offer is being disclosed in respect of any cash offer or possible cash offer.

The disclosure reveals that Camelot Capital Partners LLC owns and/or controls 1,976,350 relevant securities of Bellway PLC, representing 1.66%. The form also indicates that there have been no dealings by the person making the disclosure, and no indemnity or other dealing arrangements are included in the disclosure.

The disclosure does not include any attachments, and the contact name and telephone number of the discloser are provided for regulatory purposes. The disclosure is made in accordance with the Code's disclosure requirements and is available for consultation through the Panel's Market Surveillance Unit.

This public opening position disclosure by Camelot Capital Partners LLC provides transparency regarding their interests and short positions in Bellway PLC, in compliance with the regulatory requirements of the Takeover Code.