Schroders PLC has amended its Form 8.3 disclosure, revealing its interests and short positions in Bellway PLC. The disclosure, made under Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code, indicates that Schroders PLC owns and/or controls 3,080,040 shares, representing 2.589% of the relevant securities. Additionally, the company holds 235,258 cash-settled derivatives, amounting to 0.198% of the total. The disclosure also mentions that Schroders PLC does not have discretion regarding dealing and/or offer acceptance/voting decisions for 622,790 shares included in the total.

The amended disclosure further details a cash-settled derivative transaction, where Schroders PLC opened a long position for 13,496 reference securities at a price of 25.36190000 GBP per unit. The disclosure also includes information about stock-settled derivative transactions and other dealings, providing a comprehensive overview of Schroders PLC's positions and transactions related to Bellway PLC.

The disclosure concludes with information about indemnity and other dealing arrangements, stating that there are no such agreements, arrangements, or understandings. It also confirms that there are no attachments to the disclosure. The amended Form 8.3 was disclosed on 01/07/2024 and is part of the public disclosures required under Rule 8 of the Code.

This amended Form 8.3 disclosure by Schroders PLC provides a detailed insight into the company's positions, interests, and transactions related to Bellway PLC, offering transparency and compliance with regulatory requirements.