Bellway PLC has disclosed its position as an offeror in relation to Crest Nicholson Holdings plc. The disclosure, made in accordance with Rules 8.1 and 8.2 of the Takeover Code, provides key information about Bellway's interests and short positions in the relevant securities of Crest Nicholson Holdings plc. As of the latest practicable date prior to the disclosure, Bellway PLC did not have any relevant securities owned and/or controlled, cash-settled derivatives, or stock-settled derivatives in relation to Crest Nicholson Holdings plc.

Additionally, the disclosure includes information about the positions of persons acting in concert with Bellway PLC. It details the interests and short positions held by connected advisers of Bellway PLC, specifically TM Nicholson Consulting Limited, which legally and beneficially holds a certain number of ordinary shares in Crest Nicholson Holdings plc.

The disclosure also confirms that there are no indemnity or option arrangements, agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives that may be an inducement to deal or refrain from dealing. Furthermore, no supplemental forms are attached to the disclosure.

The disclosure was made on 25 June 2024, and the contact person for any further information is Simon Scougall, Group General Counsel and Company Secretary, whose telephone number is provided as 0191 217 0717.

This disclosure provides transparency and regulatory compliance regarding Bellway PLC's position as an offeror in relation to Crest Nicholson Holdings plc, ensuring that all relevant information is made available to the public and regulatory authorities.