Perpetual Limited and its related bodies corporate have disclosed their position in Bellway Plc, a UK-based residential property developer. As of 5th July 2024, Perpetual Limited and its related bodies corporate hold 1.04% of the 12.5p Ordinary shares in Bellway Plc, amounting to 1,241,202 shares. Additionally, they have engaged in sales of 9,920 and 920 12.5p Ordinary shares at a price of 27.302 AUD per unit.

The disclosure does not include any indemnity or option arrangements, agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives. Furthermore, no supplemental form is attached to the disclosure. The contact person for this disclosure is Aaron Maxwell, with a telephone number of +44 207 747 5678.

This disclosure is in accordance with Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code and has been made to a Regulatory Information Service. For any further inquiries regarding the disclosure requirements, the Panel's Market Surveillance Unit can be consulted at +44 (0)20 7638 0129.