Perpetual Limited and its related bodies corporate have disclosed their position in Bellway Plc's relevant securities, representing 1.02% of the 12.5p Ordinary shares. The disclosure, made on 29th July 2024, includes the details of the interests and short positions held by Perpetual Limited. The company has sold a significant number of securities, as indicated in the dealings section of the disclosure.

The disclosure provides a breakdown of the purchases and sales made by Perpetual Limited, including the number of securities and the price per unit in AUD. The company has also disclosed that there are no indemnity or other dealing arrangements in place, and there are no agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives.

This disclosure provides valuable information about Perpetual Limited's position in Bellway Plc's relevant securities, offering insights into the company's recent dealings and interests in the market. It also sheds light on the company's approach to its investments and positions in relevant securities.