Dimensional Fund Advisors Ltd., acting as an investment advisor and on behalf of its affiliates, has disclosed a 4.47% interest in BELLWAY PLC's 12.5p ordinary shares. The disclosure, made in accordance with Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code, includes 5,315,769 relevant securities owned and/or controlled by Dimensional. Additionally, the disclosure mentions that Dimensional Fund Advisors LP and/or its affiliates do not have discretion regarding voting decisions in respect of 23,322 shares included in the total above.

The disclosure also includes details of dealings, such as the purchase of 4,509 12.5p ordinary shares at a price of 25.5117 GBP per unit. Furthermore, it indicates a transfer in of 231 shares of 12.5p ordinary. The form also outlines the absence of cash-settled derivative transactions and stock-settled derivative transactions, including options.

Moreover, the disclosure states that there are no indemnity or other dealing arrangements, agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives. It also emphasizes the importance of disclosing all interests and short positions, as well as any open stock-settled derivative positions or agreements to purchase or sell relevant securities.

In summary, the disclosure by Dimensional Fund Advisors Ltd. provides a comprehensive overview of their position and dealings in BELLWAY PLC's ordinary shares, in compliance with the regulatory requirements of the Takeover Code.