Beacon Energy plc has provided an update on the Schwarzbach-2(2.) well, located in the Erfelden field in Germany. The well has encountered a 34-meter gross interval containing 28 meters of oil-bearing net reservoirs in the Pechelbronner-Schichten sandstones. These reservoirs are higher and thicker than expected, with porosities averaging 18% in the Lower PBS and 21% in the Upper PBS. There are no water-bearing sands in the 42-meter hydrocarbon column. These positive results are expected to lead to a material upgrade in recoverable reserves in the Stockstadt Mitte segment and a de-risking of 2.4 million barrels of contingent resources in Schwarzbach South. The company anticipates an initial production rate of over 900 barrels of oil per day (bopd) based on the excellent reservoir properties and the light oil recovered. The well is currently undergoing clean-up operations, and commercial production is expected to commence with the installation of a rod pump. The company plans to replace the rod pump with an Electrical Submersible Pump (ESP) once the well is fully cleaned up and the initial production rate has been achieved. The installation of the rod pump is expected to take place in October. The company will also update its development plans and quantify the expected reserve and resource increases based on the results of the SCHB-2(2.) well. CEO Larry Bottomley stated that the well has the potential to deliver high rates of production and that the company is pleased with the overall results.