Peel Hunt LLP, an exempt principal trader, disclosed its public dealing activities related to Barratt Developments Plc in accordance with Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code. The dealings were undertaken on 16th February 2024 and involved purchases and sales of ordinary shares. The highest price per unit paid for the shares was 478.07 GBx, while the lowest price per unit received was 470.96 GBx. The total number of securities purchased was 369,961, and 224,569 securities were sold.

The disclosure also confirmed that there were no indemnity or other dealing arrangements, agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives between Peel Hunt LLP and any other party. The disclosure was made to a Regulatory Information Service and emailed to the Takeover Panel, as required by Rule 8 of the Code.

For further information, the contact person mentioned in the disclosure is Paul Crispin, and the telephone number provided is 0207 418 8988. The Market Surveillance Unit of the Panel is also available for consultation regarding the Code's dealing disclosure requirements.

This disclosure provides transparency about the trading activities of Peel Hunt LLP in relation to Barratt Developments Plc and ensures compliance with the regulatory requirements of the Takeover Code.