Qube Research & Technologies Limited has made a public opening position disclosure/dealing disclosure in relation to Barratt Developments PLC. The disclosure includes information about the interests and short positions in the relevant securities of Barratt Developments PLC. As of the latest practicable date prior to the disclosure, Qube Research & Technologies Limited holds 5,747,935 cash-settled derivatives representing 0.59% of the total relevant securities.

The disclosure also includes details of the dealings made by Qube Research & Technologies Limited, such as purchases and sales, as well as cash-settled derivative transactions. The transactions involve increasing a long position in 10p ordinary shares of Barratt Developments PLC at various prices per unit.

This disclosure provides insight into the current position and dealings of Qube Research & Technologies Limited in relation to Barratt Developments PLC's securities, offering transparency to the market and investors.