Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc, an exempt principal trader, released a public dealing disclosure related to Barratt Developments plc. The disclosure, in accordance with Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code, includes key information such as the date of dealing undertaken, details of purchases and sales, and cash-settled derivative transactions.

On 18th March 2024, Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc made purchases and sales of Barratt Developments plc's 10p ordinary shares. The total number of securities involved in the purchases was 2,274,287, with the highest price per unit paid at 4.7990 GBP and the lowest at 4.7040 GBP. Additionally, there were purchases made in Euros and US Dollars.

The disclosure also outlined cash-settled derivative transactions, including increasing and reducing long and short positions for Barratt Developments plc's 10p ordinary shares. The transactions involved various quantities and prices per unit in GBP. The detailed nature of these transactions provides insight into the trading activities related to the company's securities.

This public dealing disclosure by Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc offers transparency regarding their trading activities involving Barratt Developments plc's securities. The information presented is in compliance with the regulatory requirements and provides a comprehensive overview of the transactions undertaken by the exempt principal trader.