Qube Research & Technologies Limited has disclosed its position in Barratt Developments PLC, as of 3rd April 2024. The disclosure indicates that Qube Research & Technologies Limited holds 6,146,955 cash-settled derivatives, representing 0.63% of the relevant securities. The disclosure also includes details of the equity swap transactions, showing an increase in long positions for various quantities of 10p ordinary shares at different price points.

The disclosure is in accordance with Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code, which requires the disclosure of any interests in relevant securities representing 1% or more. Qube Research & Technologies Limited has complied with the requirement by providing a comprehensive breakdown of its interests and short positions in Barratt Developments PLC.

The information provided in the disclosure offers insights into the current position of Qube Research & Technologies Limited in relation to Barratt Developments PLC's securities. It indicates the ownership and control of relevant securities, as well as the nature of the dealings undertaken, particularly the increase in long positions through equity swap transactions.

This disclosure is essential for transparency and regulatory compliance, as it allows stakeholders and the market to have visibility into the interests and positions of significant holders in Barratt Developments PLC. It provides valuable information for investors, analysts, and regulatory authorities to assess the market dynamics and the distribution of interests in the company's securities.