Morgan Stanley Europe SE has released a Form 8.5 (EPT/NON-RI) public disclosure regarding Barratt Developments plc. The disclosure includes key information such as the exempt principal trader's name, the offeror/offeree's name, and the date of the position held/dealing undertaken. The form also details the positions of the exempt principal trader, including interests and short positions in the relevant securities of Barratt Developments plc.

The disclosure further outlines any dealings by the exempt principal trader, including purchases and sales of the relevant securities. It provides specific information on the total number of securities, highest and lowest price per unit paid/received, and the nature of the dealing. Additionally, the form includes information on indemnity and other dealing arrangements, as well as agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives.

The disclosure concludes with details about attachments and contact information. It emphasizes that public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information Service and provides contact information for the Panel's Market Surveillance Unit for consultation regarding the Code's disclosure requirements.

Overall, the Form 8.5 (EPT/NON-RI) disclosure by Morgan Stanley Europe SE provides comprehensive information about their positions and dealings related to Barratt Developments plc, in compliance with the Code's disclosure requirements.