Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, an exempt principal trader, has released a public dealing disclosure related to Barratt Developments Plc. The disclosure, made in accordance with Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code, includes key information such as the date of dealing, the number of securities involved, and the highest and lowest price per unit paid/received. The disclosure also mentions that the exempt principal trader is making disclosures in respect of another party to this offer, Redrow plc.

The dealings by the exempt principal trader include both purchases and sales of 10p ordinary shares of Barratt Developments Plc. The disclosure provides detailed information on the number of securities involved, as well as the highest and lowest price per unit paid/received for both purchases and sales.

The disclosure also includes information about indemnity and other dealing arrangements, stating that there are no such agreements, arrangements, or understandings. Additionally, it mentions that there are no agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives.

The disclosure concludes with the contact name and telephone number for further inquiries, as well as the requirement for public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code to be made to a Regulatory Information Service. It also provides the contact information for the Panel's Market Surveillance Unit for consultation in relation to the Code's dealing disclosure requirements.

This public dealing disclosure provides detailed information about the transactions involving Barratt Developments Plc's securities by Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC, offering transparency and compliance with regulatory requirements.