Morgan Stanley Europe SE has disclosed its position in Barratt Developments plc in accordance with Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code. The disclosure, dated 30 April 2024, indicates that the exempt principal trader has no interests or short positions in the relevant securities of Barratt Developments plc following the dealing. Additionally, the disclosure shows purchases and sales of 48,382 10p ordinary shares, with the highest price per unit paid at 4.5800 GBP and the lowest price per unit received at 4.5370 GBP.

The disclosure also states that the exempt principal trader is making disclosures in respect of Redrow plc, in addition to Barratt Developments plc. Furthermore, the document includes information on cash-settled derivative transactions, stock-settled derivative transactions, and other dealings, all of which are detailed in the disclosure.

The disclosure concludes with information on indemnity and other dealing arrangements, agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives, and the absence of a Supplemental Form 8 (Open Positions) attachment. The contact name and telephone number for further inquiries are provided, and the disclosure date is listed as 01 May 2024.

Public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information Service, and the Panel's Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation to the Code's disclosure requirements.