Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc, an exempt principal trader, has disclosed its dealings with Barratt Developments plc. The transactions, dated 3rd April 2024, include purchases and sales of Barratt Developments plc's 10p ordinary shares. The highest price per unit paid for purchases was 4.6604 GBP, while the lowest was 4.5980 GBP. Additionally, there were cash-settled derivative transactions involving increasing and reducing long and short positions, with various prices per unit.

The disclosed dealings by Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc provide insight into the recent trading activities involving Barratt Developments plc's securities. The transactions include both purchases and sales of the company's 10p ordinary shares, along with cash-settled derivative transactions. The details of these dealings, such as the number of securities involved and the prices per unit, offer a comprehensive view of the recent trading activity related to Barratt Developments plc's securities.