Schroders PLC has disclosed a position in Redrow PLC, representing 1.058% of the company's 10.5p ordinary shares. The disclosure, made on 13th June 2024, includes 3,500,539 relevant securities owned and/or controlled by Schroders PLC. Additionally, the disclosure mentions that Schroders PLC does not have discretion regarding dealing and/or offer acceptance/voting decisions in respect of 1,300,000 shares that are included in the total above.

The disclosure also includes details of a sale of 101,742 10.5p ordinary shares of Redrow PLC at a price of 7.02051365 GBP per unit. Furthermore, the disclosure states that there are no indemnity or other dealing arrangements, agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives.

This disclosure provides insight into Schroders PLC's position in Redrow PLC and its involvement in dealings with the company's securities. It also highlights the absence of certain agreements or arrangements related to relevant securities.