Qube Research & Technologies Limited has made a public opening position disclosure/dealing disclosure related to Barratt Developments PLC. The disclosure includes information about the interests and short positions in the relevant securities of Barratt Developments PLC. Qube Research & Technologies Limited has reported cash-settled derivatives and the number of securities involved. The disclosure also mentions dealings in more than one class of relevant securities of Barratt Developments PLC, including purchases and sales, and cash-settled derivative transactions.

The disclosure indicates that Qube Research & Technologies Limited has an interest in 8,263,002 securities, representing 0.85% of the total. The report also details various cash-settled derivative transactions, including the nature of dealing and the number of securities involved in each transaction. The prices per unit for the equity swap transactions are also provided.

This disclosure is in compliance with Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code and provides a comprehensive overview of Qube Research & Technologies Limited's interests and dealings related to Barratt Developments PLC. It offers valuable insights into the positions and transactions made by Qube Research & Technologies Limited, contributing to a better understanding of the market dynamics surrounding Barratt Developments PLC.