Dimensional Fund Advisors Ltd. has disclosed a Form 8.3 related to its position in BARRATT DEVELOPMENTS PLC's ordinary shares. The disclosure states that Dimensional Fund Advisors Ltd. and its affiliates hold 1.37% of the relevant securities, which amounts to 13,361,737 shares. It is also mentioned that Dimensional Fund Advisors LP and/or its affiliates do not have discretion regarding voting decisions in respect of 173,639 shares that are included in the total above.

The disclosure further includes details of dealings by the person making the disclosure. It mentions a purchase of 65,000 securities of 10p ordinary shares at a price of 5.1055 GBP per unit. Additionally, there was a Transfer In of 5,701 shares of 10p ordinary.

The form also includes a section for "Other Information," where it states that there are no indemnity or other dealing arrangements. Furthermore, it discloses that there are no agreements, arrangements, or understandings relating to options or derivatives.

Overall, the disclosure provides a comprehensive overview of Dimensional Fund Advisors Ltd.'s position in BARRATT DEVELOPMENTS PLC's ordinary shares, including the percentage of relevant securities held, details of recent dealings, and information about any agreements or arrangements related to the securities.